Programme Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif Topçuoğlu
Faculty Members of the Program:
Prof.Dr Anıl Arat
Prof.Dr Ethem Murat Arsava
Prof.Dr Mustafa Berker
Prof.Dr. Mehmet Akif Topçuoğlu
Aim and rationale of the programme:
This proposed programme is planned to provide academically oriented interdisciplinary education aiming to provide post-specialty scientific formation that is needed in the clinical branches of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Radiology and is not covered by subspecialty education. It is a programme to meet the need for specialists who will establish an acute ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke diagnosis and treatment system and manage regional stroke centres in our country. It aims to develop knowledge and skills in the field of stroke with advanced clinical and practical training. The aim of the programme is not to provide a sub-specialty diploma, but to ensure the academic development of candidates who already have a specialty degree in this specialised field. The fact that stroke is a common disease, that it is the second most common cause of death in our country, and the rapid developments in neuro-intensive care, thrombolytic and endovascular treatment in the treatment of the acute phase have led to a demand for the training of specialists who will closely follow and apply these innovations.These services are still tried to be carried out by staff from abroad, but since they are not in sufficient number, they cannot meet the needs of our country.
Prerequisites for Admission to the Program:
To be a graduate of Faculty of Medicine and to have the title of Neurology, Neurosurgery or Radiology specialist according to the Medical Speciality Regulations.
To have ALES (SAY/EA) score type and ALES and Foreign Language base score determined by the Board of the Graduate School of Health Sciences and approved by the Senate of Hacettepe University (ALES-Foreign Language Scores Table).
To meet the application requirements of Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Examination Regulations and Institute of Health Sciences.
An additional interview exam is held specifically for this programme. At least three faculty members, one neurology (experienced in neuro-intensive care), one radiology (experienced in interventional neuroradiology) and one neurosurgery (experienced in vascular neurosurgery) must be present for the interview.